Thursday, September 7, 2017

Bacteria Use and Identification

Bacteria Identification

Bacteria Identification is a special technique that is used by biologist and many other scientist, because many of bacteria is useful for human, beside the others can disadvantage for human. Beside can cause diseases, many bacteria type is need by human for food process or industrial uses. To make sure that the bacteria can useful for certain application, people must identify the bacteria that want to use.

The Useful of Bacteria

There are two kind bacteria if see from the uses for human, benefit and disadvantage for human. Most of us think of bacteria as "germs" or microorganism, unseen threats to our health and welfare. But for each of the few disease-producing kinds which can live in the human body, there are hundreds of others upon which we depend for our very existence. Bacteria help us digest our food. Plant will die if no bacteria to convert leaf or other organic matter to humus.


The susceptibility of a given bacterial species to an antibiotic is usually determined either from laboratory tests or from the result of treating an establish ed infection.

In laboratory tests, bacteria isolated from an infected patient are inoculated into tubes containing a liquid culture medium enriched with graded concentration of an antibiotic agent. The lowest concentration of antibiotic that inhibit microbial growth is termed the minimal inhibitory concentration (MIC). When this is compared with concentrations attainable in the body, one can judge whether the bacteria are sensitive, partly sensitive, or resistant to the antibiotic.